Tuesday, July 6, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Do You Need New Carpeting?

Okay, so you think that its time to upgrade your carpets. Well, maybe it is. If your carpet is developing bald spots or if you purchased thick carpet and now you feel like you’re walking on hardwood flooring, then it’s definitely time to get new carpeting. But if you simply don’t like the look of your carpets anymore or you think that the spots you have will never come out, I would recommend calling a professional carpet cleaning company instead. This will save you a fortune on new carpets and it will probably turn that old dingy carpet into lovely carpeting once again.
Monday, July 5, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Quality Carpets

Carpets do need to be cared for and cleaned regularly, but they also need to be high quality carpets in order to hold up over time. While regular cleaning is a great idea, especially for those with a lot of household foot-traffic, purchasing cheap carpet will ruin any chance you have at keeping your carpets for year to come. Cheap carpets come apart easily, especially if you like to vacuum. But nice carpets quality carpet will last for years if properly taken care of. This means basic cleaning and vacuuming, as well as professional carpet cleaning at least once every two years.
Saturday, July 3, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Visitors

If you have family or long-time friends coming to visit, you need your house to look its best. This means cleaning those hard to reach places, staging everything so it looks perfect, and getting those carpets cleaned. Why the carpets? Well, it’s a proven fact that your carpets affect how people see your home. Dingy carpets make the whole house look and feel dingy to visitors. The best way to fix that is to hire an Anaheim carpet cleaning service to take care of your carpets and get rid of any pesky stains. Only then will your house truly shine for your guests, making you look good.

Friday, July 2, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Spot Cleaner

To be fair, if you want your entire carpet clean, then you should rent a machine or call the professionals. But if you just have a small spot of two that you would like to eradicate, then a simple spot cleaner is a great idea. You can buy all sorts of spot treatments at your local hardware or grocery store, but I would recommend Scotchgard Pet OXY Spot & Stain Remover. It works great but is only supposed to be used on small areas. If you have pets, it’s an especially wonderful tool in your arsenal. It makes your carpets look like new and you don’t have to worry about your guests noticing any unwanted smells.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Needy Carpets

Carpets are needy things. Just like a small child who relies on you for everything from feedings to lullabies at night, your carpets need constant care and attention. You have to be very careful to make sure they last the next 20-30 years. First of all, take your shoes off when you’re going to be walking on your carpet. That will help it last longer. Keep it clean by weekly vacuuming and yearly carpet cleaning. And get any and all spots out right away. If you don’t, they will set and you’ll have a spot there for the rest of your life.

PostHeaderIcon What Doesn’t Work

If you want clean carpets, it’s nice to know what works. However, many people have ideas about what will work, and many of those things don’t work at all. So let’s discuss what doesn’t work. Over-vacuuming doesn’t work, so don’t try it. It will only ruin your carpets. Purchasing spot cleaner at the store won’t work because you can’t use it for your whole carpet. And the store carpet cleaner rentals don’t always work because you never know how much cleaning solution to use and you usually can’t get all of the water back out of your carpets. This leads to mold problems. Your best option is usually a Glendora carpet cleaning company, but sometimes this can get expensive. If all else fails, however, it’s the best choice open to you.
Monday, June 28, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Cover-Ups

Let’s talk about cover-ups. No, I’m not talking about spy work here, nor am I going to list the 10 best make-up brands on the market. I’m talking about superficial carpet cleaning and the area rugs we use to disguise it. Now, most homes have carpeting, usually wall-to-wall. However, when those carpets start to look dingy and dirty, they simply vacuum more. When that doesn’t work, they cover up the carpeting with area rugs or large pieces of furniture. This is bad. The only real way to take care of dirty carpeting is to hiring a carpet cleaning company. Cover-ups don’t work, but a good solid cleaning will.

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